California Carburetor and Auto Repair is owned and operated by a Christian (Tim Janes). That is not just an affiliation. My faith in God governs every area of my life. I read the Bible and believe and do what it says. Jesus said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”[1]. We repair your car the way I would want you to repair my car if you were my mechanic. My team knows I don’t want them to sell any repair that they wouldn’t do on their own car.
But I’m not trying to promote the business here, I want to promote Jesus. He made many incredible statements and claims. Have you decided what you believe about who He is? Do you have enough information to make your own decision, or are you basing it on your observance of some Christians who have been bad examples? Those who have been bad examples either have an ego problem, or have sociopathic tendencies. Those who have an ego problem want to feel superior to others and as a result will judge other’s behavior. They need to be right about their beliefs and get angry when others have an opposing view. Those with sociopathic tendencies (thankfully much less common), masquerade as Christians to gain the trust of others in order to take advantage of them. Let me mention that through the centuries there have been countless great examples of what a Christian should be like.
God’s Perfect Love
Bad examples aside, the Bible reveals an awesome God who wants to have a relationship with each individual[2]. God created all of us with the extreme honor of being made in His image. In the state that He made us in the Garden of Eden, we had open fellowship with Him. However, Adam and Eve sinned, and all of us have sinned since. Sin damages our relationship to God, and because God is Holy and His Kingdom is pure, He will not allow sin in His presence. But our sin did not diminish God’s love for us. We cannot erase our sin, or make up for it, so God made provision for us by sending His son to pay the price and take the punishment for our sins by dying on the Cross[3]. There is no greater love than one laying down their life for another, and that’s what Jesus did for us. He paid the price for our sins to restore our relationship with God. True love is the giving of one’s self for another. God loves us with the greatest love and wants us to receive the forgiveness that is provided through Jesus dying on the Cross. He will not force us to be with Him, or to do things His way. But He does want us to choose Him[4]. And when we do, our relationship to Him is restored and He calls us His children. He loves us completely and He wants us to love Him, and to love others as He has loved us. This is what His kingdom is based on, loving one another. In His kingdom, everyone gives, therefore everyone receives.
The Holy Trinity
Christians say we worship one God, and yet there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. How can these 3 be one? They are all eternal, and they are all one in love, truth, and character. This is a model for how God desires His children to be. He wants us to be one as He is One[5]. This makes for a beautiful society; everyone loves and gives to each other. He designed us to live with one another, and to live for one another. We are all of equal value based on being made in God’s image and His equal love for us.
The Greatest Commandment
When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment? He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets”[6]. The Bible is a big book. It tells us a lot of things to do and a lot of things not to do. But Jesus said it all can be summed up in loving God and loving others. The Bible is a book of love. In fact, it says in 1John 4:8 “God is Love”.
When you think about it, the greatest thing in life is love. Nothing ranks higher. No other religion portrays more love than Christianity. No other religion offers a better explanation and prescription for life. No other religion provides a better solution for evil. No other religion is as historically verifiable. Jesus wants you to be part of His family. He loves you personally. If you haven’t already, invite Him into your life. Thank Him for the forgiveness of your sins, and read the Bible to get to know Him more and learn how to love better.
Love Your Neighbor
If you still choose not to believe in the Bible, we Christians do not reject you. Jesus tells us to love our neighbor. When He was asked who is our neighbor? He told a story that shows that anybody you encounter in life is your neighbor[7]. Our role is to show you love, respect, and kindness.
1John 4:7 “Beloved (means: loved one), let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss any of these matters further, please call me and I will be glad to schedule a time to do so.
[1] Matthew 7:12
[2] 2Peter 3:9
[3] Col. 2:13,14
[4] Deut. 30:19
[5] John 17:22
[6] Matt 22:37-40
[7] Luke 10:25-37